Established in 2025, we have grown to be among the leading engineering service providers with the objective of protecting the environment and life at sea. Our extensive experience in assessing the design and construction of ships and other marine related structures has established UMRS as one of the leading independent classification societies.
Our Name
Our name is given full support of unification and liberty for the maritime field.
“It is our mission to enhance safety of life, property and the environment at sea through the provision of classification, statutory…”
Code of Ethical Business
“Our Class depends on its reputation for competence and integrity. Our adherence to strict ethical standards…”
Our Policy
“It is our policy to provide controlled and continually improving quality services to the maritime industry in support of our mission…”
Impartiality Statement
We place the utmost importance on the integrity, impartiality and potential conflicts of interests in carrying out its activities.
We go for issue of e-Certificates.